The Powerbase of a Leader


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All leaders have a powerbase; here I have suggested our powerbase has four elements. See where you think you fit. Identify gaps, work to fill the gaps through learning the missing element or by making sure someone in your team has the missing piece.

Whilst the elements may be subjective, the point I want to make is that we are perfect and we all have gaps in the skills or characteristics required to achieve the challenges we face. Accepting we have gaps shows we are half way to filling them. I will bet that you can put names of those you have come across who fit the shortcomings explained below.

This applies to leaders at all levels of the organization.

The Complete Set



Having the position from which you can lead may seem obvious but there are many who do not have the position but constantly complain and try to take colleague’s in a different position than has been decided. It could also be the case that you are trying to lead in a circumstance where you consider the "real " boss is inadequate.


Having the right knowledge base from which you lead could include Leadership, technical or People management.


The ability to have the message you want to give, received. This includes the ability to listen and to he able to translate the message in a way that is appropriate different audiences.


‘Presence’, a personality that cannot be ignored; an ability to draw others together.

This type of leader has:

•   the position to facilitate action

•   sufficient knowledge (either directly or around them) of the subject to know how to achieve the goals

•   the ability to communicate clearly what is needed

•   the charisma - the magnetism to pull people together for a common cause.

However, few of us are this perfect, it is worth considering the impact of not having the complete set and how you may still be able to achieve your goals.

What happens when you are not in the key position.

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With charisma, communication and knowledge:

Without position

This combination can be dangerous.

Someone in this situation may use their knowledge base to convince those below, or even at the same level or higher, that they know better than those in power.

You can imagine that, when you consider their good communication skills and charisma, you have a potentially powerful cocktail for unrest. Company politics will rise to the fore.

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With position, communication knowledge:

Without charisma

Here is a person with knowledge of the subject, issue or company, who is good at communicating what they want to achieve and in a position to do something about it. However, their lack of charisma means that they are not perceived as dynamic, or passionate.

What can happen with this type of leader is that the best plan, put forward using total knowledge and communicated clearly from a position of strength, does not inspire the level of commitment it deserves because the followers are not excited by it, they are not hooked into it, they have not bought into the concept. It may still work but it will seem like hard work.

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With position, charisma, knowledge:

Without Communication

This is an immensely frustrating combination for most of the staff. Here is someone technically qualified, passionate about what they want to achieve, in a position to do so but unable to translate that into language which followers can understand. This can lead to lack of focus and fragmented implementation because of differing interpretations of what is required.

Powerbase of a Leader minus Knowledge.png

With position, charisma, communication

Without knowledge

Here we have someone with a position from which they can act, communication skill to translate desired actions to others effectively and charisma to create excitement and hunger for winning. But they lack knowledge about the subject or issue. The result can be catastrophic. You are being led from the front by a strongly charismatic communicator, but you are probably being led in the wrong direction.

Filling Powerbase Gaps

The good news is that any of the gaps described earlier can be filled by following the steps outlined below.

Step 1: Agree the gap

Encourage the person involved to realise and agree that a gap exists. Completing a personality questionnaire may help demonstrate the gap. 

Step 2: Discuss the gap and its impact

Point out that most people have gaps of one sort or another and that recognizing its existence is halfway to filling it. You have a problem only if you are unaware of it.

Discuss the impact of the gap on all the individual relationships they are involved in. Give examples of problems which are caused as a result of the gap.

Step 3: Give them options

For example, you could suggest members of their team that may be able to help them if they do not shine at communication or charisma. You could suggest specific training for Leadership or Knowledge gaps.

Ask the individual concerned to draw up an action plan to deal with the gap. You can then agree and monitor the plan.

Feedback is always welcome so leave a comment or email me at  You can also visit my site