Become invaluable to your boss.


Looking for recognition or promotion?

When people tell me that their boss does not empower them and that as a result they are not enjoying what they or doing or where they work I feel compelled to ask them what they are doing to rectify the situation.

Their responses range form ‘What, I’m the employee and the boss won’t listen’ to ‘Meh’.

I explain that empowerment begins with you not the boss. You have to show you want and are worthy of being empowered. Empowerment is all about trust.

Empowerment is not a right, it is a gift bestowed on someone who is capable and trustworthy. If you truly want to be empowered then use these 6 tips and you will find that trust will follow.

6 Tips to help you become Empowered

  1. Be Positive

    Theres nothing guaranteed to turn a boss off more than negativity, particularly when the ideas are theirs. Point out the positives before offering suggestions for improvement. This will let them know that you can see that the project could work but just needs a nudge. Having positive allies will be welcome and will promote trust

  2. Show that you want it.

    Your boss may not know that you want to take responsibility, you need to let them know that you do. Show interest, ask questions, offer help in meetings. They do not want to do it all themselves and the help will be appreciated. Trust will follow

  3. Ask for a trial

    Ask your boss if you can work on a project make sure you are clear about what is required, what the timetable is and what outcome is expected. Trust is on its way

  4. Do what you say you will

    This is a huge trust builder you Boss wants to know that you have their back and that you will be doing your best to achieve what you have agreed too. They will relax in your company and Trust is improved

  5. Ask for help

    Sometimes you will bite off more than you can chew, don’t panic and work harder to try and solve a problem that you are really struggling with, you may push the project off target. Ask your boss for help, they will enjoy coaching you and will Trust you even more

  6. Keep in touch

    There can be a temptation having Been empowered to hold the power too close to your chest, resist! Poor communication is a trust killer and creates opportunities for you boss to interfere, so agree a reporting schedule and report without fail, even if only to say you are still on track. Your boss is less likely to interfere. You will be trusted for project two!

These 6 simple behaviours will not only build trust and help you to feel empowered they will set you on an upward trajectory towards promotion. Happy Days!